Expenses Involved in obtaining a Bank Guarantee (BG) or Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)

Subcontracts India
3 min readOct 19, 2023


We receive numerous requests for BGs/SBLCs. In most cases, these requests are accompanied by the rider “No up-front fee please”. Well, this is a non-starter because obtaining a Bank Guarantee or Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) from a bank or any other financial institution typically involves several expenses. These expenses can vary depending on the financial institution, the size and complexity of the transaction, and the terms negotiated between the bank and the applicant. Here are some common expenses and fees associated with obtaining a Bank Guarantee or SBLC:
Application Fee: Most banks and financial institutions charge an application fee to process the request for a Bank Guarantee or SBLC. This fee covers the initial administrative costs of evaluating the application.
Issuance Fee: Once the bank approves the request and issues the Bank Guarantee or SBLC, there is typically an issuance fee. This fee can be a percentage of the face value or a flat fee.
Commission Fee: Banks often charge a commission fee, which is a percentage of the face value of the Bank Guarantee or SBLC. This fee is typically paid upfront or periodically during the tenure of the guarantee.
Tenure Fee: If the Bank Guarantee or SBLC has a specified term, there may be fees associated with its renewal or extension at the end of each term.
Swift Messaging Fees: Sending and receiving SWIFT messages (the international financial messaging network used for these transactions) can incur charges, and these fees may be passed on to the applicant.
Confirmation Fee: If a confirming bank is involved (a bank that adds its confirmation to the Bank Guarantee), it may charge a confirmation fee.
Courier and Delivery Charges: Costs associated with courier services and delivery of physical documents can be included.
Legal and Due Diligence Fees: In more complex transactions, legal and due diligence fees may be necessary to ensure the authenticity and legality of the documents and transaction.
Collateral or Margin Requirements: In some cases, the bank may require the applicant to provide collateral or maintain a certain margin, which can tie up capital and generate opportunity costs.
Credit and Risk Fees: The bank may assess fees based on the perceived credit risk of the applicant and the terms of the Bank Guarantee or SBLC.
Amendment Fees: If there are any changes or amendments to the terms of the Bank Guarantee or SBLC during its tenure, there may be fees associated with these changes.
It’s important to note that the specific fees and expenses can vary widely depending on the financial institution, the jurisdiction, the size of the transaction, and the negotiations between the bank and the applicant. Additionally, some applicants may use intermediaries or brokers to assist in obtaining Bank Guarantees or SBLCs, and these intermediaries may charge their own fees as well.

It is essential, however, to clarify a few points regarding the fees and their timing in Bank Guarantee or SBLC transactions.
While it’s true that some fees may be structured to be paid at different stages of the transaction, it’s crucial to understand that transparency and clear terms are fundamental to a successful financial deal.
The timing of fees should be clearly defined in the agreement between the applicant and the issuing bank or financial institution. Knowing when and how much you are expected to pay is part of due diligence.
Reconciliation is a legitimate concern. However, reputable financial institutions and providers typically have established procedures for fee payments. It’s essential to ensure that the payment process aligns with agreed-upon terms. If fees are not paid to the right accounts or parties, it can raise red flags and lead to issues.
Adequate documentation and transparency should be maintained throughout the transaction. This includes keeping records of all payments, agreements, and correspondences. This not only protects your interests but also helps in resolving disputes if they arise.
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